Quartz-Sheath SPRTs

Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers (SPRTs) are used to interpolate temperature in the range from -189.3442°C to 660.323°C on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90).


They are widely used as standard or reference thermometers to calibrate other thermometers and to measure temperature precisely in primary and secondary laboratories. AM1960 and AM1950 SPRTs are the crown jewels of AccuMac temperature probes. It's taken decades of our scientific expertise and original craftsmanship to create these world-class products. They fully meet the ITS-90 criteria for standard thermometers.

  • Affordable primary standards

  • Extremely low drift rate

  • Fully meets the ITS-90 criteria for standard thermometers

  • AM1960 Temperature Range: -200°C to 670°C

  • AM1950 Temperature Range: -200°C to 500°C

Quartz-Sheath SPRTs