Acoustic Emission Sensors

AE sensors are a vital link in determining how to apply remedial solutions and repairs to resolve structural issues. AE sensors are used to test storage tanks, heat exchangers, piping, reactors, aerial lift devices, as well as gas, petro-chemical and nuclear power plants. MISTRAS’ sensors can be built with specific features to meet project or application specific needs.

  • Miniature sensors, where (small) size matters
  • Integral electronic sensors, the “industry standard”; high sensitivity, high noise immunity, AST auto-sensor-test pulser, long cable drive.
  • Intrinsically safe (I.S.) sensors, for use in hazardous areas of oil and gas plant; integral electronic and non-electronic, with safety barrier and interface.
  • Underwater sensors, for use underwater!
  • Extreme environment; high temperature, thermal fatigue, low temperature, high radiation, subsea, deep space, high shock, high vibration.

AE sensors are a vital link in determining how to apply remedial solutions and repairs to resolve structural issues. AE sensors are used to test storage tanks, heat exchangers, piping, reactors, aerial lift devices, as well as gas, petro-chemical and nuclear power plants. MISTRAS’ sensors can be built with specific features to meet project or application specific needs.

  • Miniature sensors, where (small) size matters

  • Integral electronic sensors, the “industry standard”; high sensitivity, high noise immunity, AST auto-sensor-test pulser, long cable drive.

  • Intrinsically safe (I.S.) sensors, for use in hazardous areas of oil and gas plant; integral electronic and non-electronic, with safety barrier and interface.

  • Underwater sensors, for use underwater!

  • Extreme environment; high temperature, thermal fatigue, low temperature, high radiation, subsea, deep space, high shock, high vibration.

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