BH4-1200B sp

BH4-1200B sp is a Hydraulics deadweight tester high performance with a calculator – accuracy 0.005%. a Very high performance integrating calculator: with dynamic visualization of the position of the piston, with automatic display of the pressure generated by the dead weight according to the temperature, to the atmospheric pressure and to the hygrometry, with a connection for the transfer of the data on the computer allowing total traceability. This product is an essential tool for the calibration of high precision.

BH4-1200B sp is a Hydraulics deadweight tester high performance with a calculator - accuracy 0.005%. a Very high performance integrating calculator: with dynamic visualization of the position of the piston, with automatic display of the pressure generated by the dead weight according to the temperature, to the atmospheric pressure and to the hygrometry, with a connection for the transfer of the data on the computer allowing total traceability. This product is an essential tool for the calibration of high precision.

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